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Welcome to TimeClock Plus®!

Welcome to TimeClock Plus®! This guide is designed to help approve the Education Support Professional (ESP) online electronic time sheet.

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires all non-exempt employees to record all hours worked.Please see ESP Meet & Confer article 4.4.6.

All designated Education Support Professional (ESP) are required to submit accurate and complete time/leave records reflecting all contracted hours in TimeClock Plus (TCP). Approvers are required to review the employee’s time/leave entered for accuracy to the best of his/her knowledge. Approvals must be submitted by required deadlines. Falsification of time approval may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment upon Board Approval.

TimeClock Plus will also be utilized for leave requests in place of SmartFind Express (SFE), for specified employees. There is, however, a group of employees who will need to enter leave requests into SmartFind Express (SFE) for the purpose of obtaining a substitute.

How do I know which group an ESP is in?

Employees who require a substitute (Instructional ESP) will report absences to SmartFind Express (SFE). From SFE, the absences reported will carry over to their time sheet the day after they are approved in PeopleSoft by the school/site leave approver. SmartFind Express users will only enter time worked in TimeClock Plus. For a list of Job Codes that will use SmartFind Express for absence reporting, see X. Appendix.

SmartFind Express Users

If absences are not reported in SFE, there will not be an absence to carry over to TimeClock Plus. Employees will not be able to enter absences into TimeClock Plus. An Absence and Substitute Form must be completed and submitted to the supervisor for signature and forwarded to Human Resources for data entry within 1 week of the absence. For questions/issues with using TimeClock Plus, please contact Human Resources at 520-2209.

Helpful Documents/Links:
TimeClock Plus - Employees 
TCP Employee Manual

TimeClock Plus - Managers 
TCP Approver Manual

TimeClock Plus Employee Training: TCP School Year 2023-2024 

District Contact:
Cyndee Turner 
HRIS Coordinator/719-520-2209