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Guest Staff Substitutes

Young female teacher sitting on a desk holding a book

Apply for a Guest Staff (Substitute) Position

Colorado Springs School District 11 uses online technology which gives candidates greater flexibility in the application process.

 It allows candidates to create their own User ID and password and will store application information. Candidates will have the ability to update an application prior to applying for open positions.  Candidates must apply for each position that is of interest. 

Applications are only accepted through our online application system.  Applications that are mailed, emailed, faxed, or dropped off to the Department of Human Resources will not be considered.  
Please click on the FAQ link if you are experiencing difficulties in the application process or have general questions regarding the open positions.

FAQ Sheet

For assistance, please contact human resources at 520-2169.


There are six (6) sections to the application:

Current and Prior Employment, Education, Licenses, Language Skills, Questionnaire, and References and Referrals. In addition, the letter of interest, transcripts, letters of reference and additional attachments are submitted through the My Job Applications section of your account.

Please answer all questions completely and accurately. Only completed applications will be reviewed; failure to submit the required documents mentioned below will result in application NOT being considered

You should gather all supporting documentation before you begin your application. For more specific information about what is required for each position, please refer to that position's job description.

To view job openings and to apply online, click the appropriate link below.

Male teacher standing in front of a chalk board with math problems on it

Guest Staff (Substitute) Pay


The Guest Staff office and Human Resources Department are excited to announce the following pay structure to acknowledge our valued Guest Staff Substitutes for their commitment and hard work in supporting District 11 schools and students. The following pay is effective with assignments worked on August 1, 2024 through the end of this school year.

Licensed Guest Staff Substitutes: Effective 8/1/24

  • Full Day Teacher Substitute rate: $170.00/day
  • Half Day Teacher Substitute rate: $85.00/day

Non-Exempt Guest Staff Substitutes: Effective 8/1/24

  • Teacher Assistant/Educational Assistant: $17.39/hour
  • Study Hall Supervisor: $16.65/hour
  • Clerical ESP Substitute rate: $16.17/hour
Young female teacher working with students who are seated at a table

Guest Staff (Substitute) Incentives

Guest Staff Incentive Program: Effective 8/1/24   The Guest Staff Substitute incentive pay program is a staggered program to encourage a Guest Staff Substitute to accept and complete assignments within District 11 when offered and available. The incentive payment amount to each substitute will be determined by June 30th of each school year, and will be compensated on the July 15th paycheck annually if qualified. Incentive pay by number of assignments in a full school year is as follows:

  • · 25 - 75 assignments = $975 lump sum payment
  • · 76 - 100 assignments = $1500 lump sum payment
  • · 101+ assignments = $2000 lump sum payment
hands on a laptop keyboard at a desk with papers

Guest Staff (Substitute) Resources

Office Hours of Operation and Location

Hours are from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. (Monday thru Friday).    We are located south of the Main Administration Building at: 711 E. San Rafael St.  Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903   Thank you for your interest in education and Colorado Springs School District 11 Guest Staff Substituting.  It is a little known fact that children will rely on the skills and abilities of Guest Staff Substitutes for over one full year of instruction between kindergarten and twelfth grade.  Colorado Springs School District 11 recognizes the contributions made by its Guest Staff Substitutes and supports their efforts toward maintaining continuity of instruction in the absence of full-time employees.

Guest Staff General Information 

Many of our substitute teachers received training in the SubSkills Online Training course offered by   If you are new to substitute teaching, consider visiting the website.  You may purchase the SubSkills Online Training course and/or handbook to enhance your substitute skills.  SubSkills training contains engaging videos, downloads, examples, and teaching strategies for you to study and learn, including classroom management, strategies to work with special-needs students, and implementing activities to fill time when students finish lessons early.  More information about this helpful course can be found by clicking on this link:

For information on substituting, please call 520-2182.