Fundraising Types
Schools, clubs, and organizations may periodically conduct fundraisers to support projects and activities. Fundraisers take multiple forms, each following the policies associated with its type below.
If you have questions or need more information, contact D11 Engage:
- Lauren Mason, Director of Partnerships - (719) 520-2203 or
- External Fundraisers
- Internal Fundraisers
- Nonprofit Fundraisers
- Online Fundraisers
- PTA Fundraisers
- Resell Fundraisers
External Fundraisers
During EXTERNAL FUNDRAISERS, a District 11 school or group partners with a fundraising organization or business for mutual financial benefit. D11 Engage must approve the partnership before any fundraising activities occur, and the partner organization or business must have an active Fundraising Privileges Memorandum.
Internal Fundraisers
School clubs, organizations, or sports teams may conduct INTERNAL FUNDRAISERS to raise funds for a specific project or program. These fundraisers do not involve an outside vendor, and no approval from D11 Engage is required. Examples include Hat Day, Pajama Day, Drama Club, etc. A school club or fee must be treated as an internal fundraiser if it is not listed as a board-approved fee. Schools can find the board-approved fees in policies JQ-E-1 through JQ-E-4.
Nonprofit Fundraisers
Schools may engage in NONPROFIT FUNDRAISERS. Schools undertake a project to solicit funds to benefit a nonprofit organization during these fundraisers.
Nonprofit fundraisers require prior approval from D11 Engage. The nonprofit organization must provide the following to D11 Engage:
- IRS documentation of the organization's 501(c)3 status
- A document detailing the organization's mission and vision and a description of its services
Online Fundraisers
ONLINE FUNDRAISERS may only occur through My School Bucks as it is currently the District's ONLY approved online fundraising company.
Unapproved online fundraisers include but are not limited to:
Please contact Fiscal Services at (719) 520-2046 for MY School Bucks questions.
PTA Fundraisers
PTAs are valued and irreplaceable members of the school community. PTAs champion student achievement, increase family engagement and sometimes hold PTA FUNDRAISERS to support school initiatives.
When a PTA partners with an external fundraising organization or business to hold an activity at a District 11 facility, they must request a Certificate of Insurance (COI) from the partner or provide the PTA's COI to the school naming District 11 as Additional Insured for the event. (i.e., a school carnival held by a PTA on District property requires a COI from the PTA.)
The PTA must also inform D11 Engage of the fundraiser and provide the department with an additional copy of the COI.
Resell Fundraisers
Schools may purchase and resell items for a profit. Often in the form of a school store. RESELL FUNDRAISERS may be internal or involve an external partner. Sales tax must be collected, reported, and remitted, if applicable.
Internal Resell: The school independently purchases and resells goods. Businesses or organizations do not visit the school to promote or sell their products. Examples include, but are not limited to, pencils, t-shirts, lollipops, and plant sales. Internal resell fundraisers do not require the approval of D11 Engage.
External Resell: The school partners with a business or organization to provide and sell goods, and the company actively promotes and sells its products. To participate, the business or organization must have an active Fundraising Privileges Memorandum with D11 Engage. Examples may include chocolate bars, Butter Braids pastries, Jack Links, student art, water bottles, thermos cups, etc.
District 11 does business with various vendors to operate its facilities and provide services to students and families. The district divides vendors into two categories: Service Vendors and Fundraising Vendors.
Service Vendors
SERVICE VENDORS: These are businesses that perform paid services for the District. Examples include but are not limited to individuals replenishing vending machines or delivering food or other goods.
Any service vendor working at a District property must have all associated staff sign in as a VISITOR.
Fundraising Vendors
FUNDRAISING VENDORS: These individuals represent businesses or organizations wishing to promote their products or programs to District administrators and staff. Fundraising vendors must be registered with D11 Engage and have an active Fundraising Privileges Memorandum. The vendor is responsible for providing a copy of the Memorandum to the school or department they wish to fundraise with. District staff can also find a copy of the Memorandum by clicking here.
Fundraising vendors receive invitations to visit schools at the principal's discretion. Should an organization be permitted to visit, each staff member must sign in as a VISITOR.
Fees, Contracts & Forms
Please see below for more information about board policies related to fees and details covering contracts, procurement, and standard forms.
Board-Approved Fees
BOARD-APPROVED FEES are student fee schedules, including fees collected for the benefit of the District's general fund and fees charged and collected for the benefit of schools' individual activity accounts.
Please refer to policies JQ, JQ-E-1, JQ-E-2, JQ-E-3, and JQ-E-4 for more information.
Certificate of Insurance
A CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE (COI) documents an organization's insured coverage. The District requires $1,000,000 general liability or $2,000,000 general liability if an organization will have direct contact with students. Colorado Springs School District 11 must be named as Additional Insured.
Further insurance may be required depending on the nature of an organization's work with the District.
Contact Risk Related Services for more information:
- Diane Vanderpool, Senior Claims Adjuster - (719) 520-2398 or
Consultant Agreement
A CONSULTANT AGREEMENT is a contract between the District and an independent entity to provide professional services to the District that a District Employee cannot provide and for which the District will provide monetary payment.
- Principals have the authority to contract up to $500
- Procurement & Contracting will execute contracts above $500
- All contracts must be accompanied by a Certificate of Insurance and a W-9
For more information, please contact Procurement & Contracting at (719) 520-2068.
Sales Tax
SALES TAX is assessed when departments and schools sell items, such as those found at a school store, to students, teachers, or the general public. The appropriate county and city sales taxes must be collected, reported, and remitted. The current combined sales tax rate to be collected is 4.35%.
Schools should contact their administrative assistant or business secretary for additional information about selling items.
Fiscal Services can also be contacted at (719) 520-2046 for more information.
The W-9 is an IRS form used by companies and individuals to certify the taxpayer identification number (TIN) and for tax reporting purposes. The District must have a verified W-9 on file before paying a vendor. Due to Colorado PERA information requirements, the District prefers vendors use the District's substitute W-9.
If the District is accepting a payment and needs to provide its W-9, please contact Fiscal Services at (719) 520-2046 for a copy.
Approved Fundraising Partners
Is your school, club, team, or PTA trying to raise funds? Check out the district-approved fundraising partners for ideas!
If you don't see a fundraising partner on the list, please reach out to to get them approved.
Vertical Raise: Digitial donation platform. Also offers discount card and popcorn sales. Schools keep 50%-85% of the funds received depending on the fundraiser type.
Contact: Drew Terry
Phone: 505-313-5490
Kona Ice Pikes Peak: Mobile shaved ice. Book the truck to attend your school's event, and Kona will donate 20% of the total sales, less sales tax.
Contact: Karen & Ray Mowry
Phone: 719-464-5232
The BIG Coupon Book: Coupon book sales. The book sells for $35.00, and the school keeps $14.00 per book sold.
Contact: Neil Podoll
Phone: 719-425-9886
Adrenaline Fundraising: Digital donation platform. Also offers discount card and product sales. Schools keep 80-85% of donation funds received and 40% for any product sales.
Contact: Tim Walker
Phone: 719-220-0912
Integrity Fundraising: Product sales including Butter Braids, Yumbana gluten free products, Coda Coffee Company, and Mrs. Fields cookie dough. Schools earn 40% profit on all sales.
Contact: Carl Kopp
Phone: 303-688-1780
Right Response: First aid kit sales. Schools pay for the kits upfront and then sell the kits at a slight markup to keep the profit.
Contact: Christopher Smith
Phone: N/A
SupportFund: Online platform for donations, caramel, fudge, and popcorn sales. Schools earn 40% profit on product sales and 80% profit on donations.
Contact: Alan Anderson
Phone: 801-577-1156
Snap! Mobile: Digital donation platform. Schools typically keep 80% of the funds received, but pricing adjustments may be available upon request.
Contact: Jake Dosen
Phone: 720-354-0977
Briargate Taekwondo: Reach out to BT for program options.
Contact: Matthew McCuistion
Phone: 719-495-0909
Scholastic Book Fairs: Host a book fair at your school and earn a portion of the profit. Profits increase based on total sales.
Contact: Lici McCuistion
Phone: 303-263-1188
Read-a-Thon: Students read and source donations for time spent reading through an online platform. Schools earn 75% - 80% of the donations.
Contact: Stephanie Deese
Phone: 866-888-5155
S'Cool Fundraising: Students sell items such as Otis Spunkmeyer cookie dough, World's Finest Chocolates, and other treats.
Contact: Johnny Dasher
Phone: 719-229-1325
Original Works: Turns student artwork into products such as coffee mugs, tiles, ornaments and magnets that families can purchase. The school pays the wholesale price and families pay the retail price, allowing the school to keep the profit.
Contact: Debbie Evans
Phone: 303-681-2790
Speed Stacks: Speed stacking cups fundraisers. Families purchase cup sets at a discounted rate with free shipping, and the school receives 20% of the total sales.
Contact: Lynn Ramos
Phone: 303-663-8083