TCT Coordinator
TCT Full-Time General Education Coach
Education: BA Sociology, UCCS
National Board Certified - Master Teacher Certificate
Proud second generation graduate of D-11-attended Ivywild, Helen Keller, Mark Twain, East Junior High and Wasson High School-Go T-Birds!
First generation attended Queen Palmer, Franklin, Helen Hunt, East Junior High and graduated from Palmer High School- Go Terrors!
Teachers Coaching Teachers Regular Education Coach (10 years)
Teachers Coaching Teachers Intermittent Coach (1 year)
2nd/4th Grade Teacher, Vera Scott Elementary (12 years)
1st/2nd Grade Teacher, Midland Elementary (7 years)
National Board Certified Teacher 2008- current
National Board Program Coordinator/Facilitator of National Board Candidate Support Classes (2009-2020)
TCT Intermittent Coach
Science Teacher, Gifted Magnet Program at Sabin Middle School
M.A. Educational Leadership (Grand Canyon University)
B.S. Biology Secondary Education (Grove City College)
Gifted & Talented Endorsement
Teachers Coaching Teachers Intermittent Coach (5 years)
Science Teacher, Gifted Magnet Program
Irving Middle School (2007-2009)
Sabin Middle School (2009-present)
UCCS UTeach Mentor Teacher (2012-present)
Sabin Yearbook Sponsor (2009-2018)
2014 Crystal Apple Winner
VillaSport Summer Camp Director (2010-2018)