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PD Facilitator Resources

Welcome and thank you to the Directors, Facilitators, Organizers, Instructors and Presenters of D11. You are at the forefront of the District's efforts to provide high quality ongoing learning for our staff, and we recognize and appreciate your efforts.

To ensure a smooth and organized process, we offer these guidelines and resources for your use. If you have any questions, concerns, or want to request additional training or assistance please reach out to Hillary Charles or Vincent Berryman.


  • All Courses and Sections must be submitted for approval at least 3 weeks prior to the start date of your Section.
  • Attendance needs to be entered within three business days of the end date of your Section.


2024/2025 PD Day Guidelines:

The Professional Learning team has been hard at work reorganizing the PLP, and the result has made things even easier for everyone to manage their courses. The key change is the Office you are assigned to in the PLP. Where before everyone was in all the Offices, now each person is correctly assigned to only their Office. This is an exciting change because it means we can allow extra permissions that would not have worked last year. When you go to the PLP and click Professional Learning, you will see a tab below the Build tab you normally use called Manage. Within this tab are two options for you to use, Manage Courses and Manage Sections. You will be able to use these to view and edit not only your own Courses/Sections, but all those created by others in your Office.

With this in mind, here is the structure for this year’s PD Courses:

  • Each subject will use one Course for the 24/25 year
    • Before creating a Course for your subject, ensure one has not already been created by checking in Manage Courses.
  • The name will look like this:
    • Math PD Days 24/25
    • Social Studies PD Days 24/25
    • SPED PD Days 24/25
  • Everyone in the Office for that subject will create sections for each class named with the PD Date, Area (if applicable) and/or Grade, and class title.
    • Use the Section Notes field for the description of your class
  • In order for CDE to accept the courses the Subject must be descriptive with no abbreviations.
    • Examples:
      • 8/8/24, K-5, W/Central, Text First Planning
      • 9/16/24, 6-8, SE/NE, Eureka Math Squared Module 2
      • 3/14/25, K-12, Theater Resources
  • Since the Course will be used the whole year, Sections can be Copied to use again the next PD day without having to create them from scratch. In addition, since Course Requestors in the same Office have the same access, anyone can help with Courses/Sections created by anyone else.