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Professional Learning


The Mission of the Professional Learning Department is to provide a structure for building a highly qualified workforce through coordinating, facilitating and delivering trainings for all District 11 staff. 


  • Please remember to wear your District 11 badge at all times when visiting the Tesla Professional Development Center - Thank you.
  • Our normal hours of operation are 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. 
  • Delayed Start: Trainings will start on time - please arrive in a safe manner for the weather conditions.
  • If the District is closed, all trainings are cancelled. If evening activities are cancelled, all evening trainings are cancelled.

Transcripts etc.

  • Transcripts may be obtained through the new Professional Learning Platform: How to Navigate the PLP
  • Please remember to DROP any course that you registered for and cannot attend. Some classes have a wait list and we want everyone to have an opportunity to participate.