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ESP Council Officers
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ESP Council Offices 711 E. San Rafael St., Colorado Springs, CO 80903

 Becky Alvic-719.520.2377 Administrative Assistant


Education Support Professionals ("ESP") will build knowledge and awareness by encouraging respect autonomy and professionalism while enhancing the total educational program.


ESP are professional and skilled employees representing diverse job families. 

The ESP are dedicated to empowering and fostering relationships,

supporting personal and professional growth, while demonstrating integrity and trust to enrich a learning and working environment.

ESP Help Keep our Schools Safe

They work in our halls, school grounds, cafeteria, buses, library, and front office keeping an eye on our students while doing their jobs and making sure the school day runs smoothly. They're usually the first to arrive at school and the last to leave, our schools wouldn't be as successful, or as safe without them. They're an integral part of the school community.

  • 75% of K-12 ESP live within the boundaries of the school districts where they are employed
  • 57% feel they have effective strategies for handling bullying at school
  • 59% have witnessed bullying behavior, and 89 percent of these have intervened or tried to stop it
  • 45% have witnessed school violence, and 85 percent of these have intervened or tried to stop it
  • 92% say their job responsibilities involve promoting school safety 97% say their district has a policy on bullying prevention and 57 percent have received training on how to implement it


An ESP employee shall be allowed to check his/her work-related email for a reasonable period of time during a scheduled workday, not including the break periods or lunch. 

Article 6.3.2-TIMELINES
A rebuttal to a performance evaluation may be submitted in writing to the supervising Administrator by attaching a written response within seven (7) working days of the performance evaluation conference.


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