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Employee Engagement Group (EEG)

The D11 EEG is a voluntary group that gathers ideas, solicits feedback, communicates, and stays connected on various district-wide matters, including working conditions, compensation, leaves, and benefits. 

Group Composition: The group is comprised of  employees representing all employee job families (ESP, Exec Pros, and Teachers) across schools and departments. 

  • Initial Focus:  Initial work will center on the review and development of an Employee Handbook effective July 1, 2025
  • Focus #2: Employee survey data and insight, employee engagement development, and monitored feedback cycles
  • Focus #3: Develop additional award and recognition opportunities, discuss resource allocation

2025 Employee Engagement Group Representatives

Name Role Area Network
Elizabeth Allen Teacher- Social Worker Opportunity
Alex Reid Teacher- Columbia ES Central
Hannah Shaw Teacher - Midland ES West
Kevin Coughlin Teacher- Twain ES/CSEA President Central
Diana Beatty Teacher- Coronado HS West
Jason Slater Teacher- Doherty HS Northeast
Mary LaCroix Teacher- Mitchell HS Southeast
Amanda Hawkins Teacher - Jenkins MS Northeast
Tanya Nash Exec Pro - Exec Pro VP Admin
Lauren Mason Exec Pro - Communications Dept Admin
Stephanie Leasure Exec Pro - Principal - North Central
Sean Palmer ESP - Facilities FOTC
Kevin Cook ESP President Admin
Hillary Charles ESP - Professional Learning PD
Paul Olmstead ESP - Sabin MS Northeast
Courtney Heiss ESP - Audubon ES Southeast
Group Facilitators: Brandan Comfort, Nicole Ottmer, Jennifer Harris

Meeting Summaries