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Any Teacher Educational Increment Requests submitted, will be processed in order of receipt and lane change will be effective the following month of submission.  Questions may be submitted in writing via email to Jozette Hemphill, Director of Compensation or her assistant and will be answered as time allows. However, most questions can be answered using the Master Agreement and the submission form with the link below. 

Prior communication was sent to all teachers on January 5, 2022 notifying Teachers that Educational Increment forms must be submitted in hard copy format.  Electronic versions are not accepted.  Please submit the required completed form and official transcripts during the summer via mail or hand delivery to HR.  Payments will be processed retroactively if a completed packet was submitted.  Thank you for your patience!

Salary Reclassification Instructions 

Salary Reclassification Form

Teacher Seniority List

Teacher New Hire Bonus Rule Set

23-24 Employee One-Time 6% Payment Rule Set