Space Available Information
School bus routes are designed to support only those students eligible for district provided transportation services. School bus stop locations will only be located in the school's "Transported Area."
In an effort to ensure the maximum utilization of District assets, students may ride district school buses on a "Space Available Basis." This service is available to those students that live in the school’s attendance area but do not live in the school’s transported area. It is also available to those students who are attending as Choice Enrolled/Transfer students. Parents and/or legal guardians can apply online for Space Available Transportation starting the first working day of August each year. The online application may be available earlier. Applications for Space Available Transportation will be valid throughout the grades served by the school level at the assigned stop for the assigned school. This service may not be available until after October 1st of each new school year. Space Available service may be cancelled at any time during the school year. This may occur to ensure that a seat on the bus is provided for students who are eligible for transportation services. Other options for getting your child to and from school should be in place at all times. Parents and/or legal guardians are responsible for their student’s safety to and from the assigned space available school bus stop.