Emergency & Assistance Response: Security has a ready response capability at all times – 24/7. During the day this usually comes from the daytime patrol officer, one of the coordinators, or other office staff. During the non-school hours or days, it is initially provided by one of the two on-duty roving patrol officers. ALWAYS CALL 911 FIRST IN THE EVENT OF FIRES; SERIOUS INJURY REQUIRING IMMEDIATE MEDICAL ATTENTION; OR THREATS REQUIRING IMMEDIATE POLICE ASSISTANCE.
Security Alerts: Security will issue district-wide, or site-specific Security Alerts when they become aware of situations in the community that might represent a threat to students, staff or school. These alerts are issued via Blackboard/email to the schools and departments.
Uniformed Security Patrol Officers: Security employs 10 uniformed security patrol officers, who are on duty 24/7 in shifts. All patrol officers are police academy trained or equivalent and are armed. These officers patrol District grounds and buildings, respond to burglar alarms, respond to trouble or other calls for service, and generally engage in the protection of lives and property at District 11 facilities.
Security Managers: Security has assigned a manager for all schools. The managers assist and advise school administrators with crisis and emergency response planning, threat assessments, canine detection and school security issues. The security managers co-supervise campus security officers.
Campus Security Officers - CSOs (Middle and High Schools only): These D-11 Security staff are assigned to the Middle and High schools to: help principals enforce the student “Conduct and Discipline Code”; assist students in dealing with conflict; monitor the campus for unwanted visitors and signs of danger or criminal activity. The CSOs receive approximately 40 hours of training in crisis prevention, first aid, CPR, recognition of racial and sexual harassment, and school and juvenile law before being placed at a school. They also receive refresher training during scheduled staff development days.
School Resource Officers- SROs: These are uniformed Colorado Spring Police Department (CSPD) officers, which are stationed at the high schools and middle schools. SROs are at the high schools during the day on all regular school days, and at the middle schools five days per week during the school year. These officers primarily provide drug abuse prevention education through Project Alert, but also initiate criminal investigations when necessary, and perform community-policing and criminal investigation functions in cooperation with school security and administration staff. The SROs also provide assistance to elementary schools on an as-needed basis.
Crisis planning, prevention and management:
School Crisis Plans. By state law, all public school facilities are required to have a published crisis plan to outline how they will handle a wide range of possible crises that may be encountered. These plans are reviewed each year, and updated as necessary. Your Security Manager will work with you on this.
Emergency Operations Manual. Security coordinates the district’s crisis planning and response efforts. The District Crisis Manual outlines how this is done and provides templates for various emergencies or situations.
Community Crisis Planning & Response. The district provides crisis response to the community in a variety of ways, including using schools as Red Cross shelters in the event of emergencies.
Investigator: Security has the capability to: conduct personnel and crime of violence investigations; perform finger printing and background investigations; assist local law enforcement with criminal investigations; and issue DVERT (Domestic Violence) notifications.
Canine Interdiction Program: Security operates this program for detecting drugs and alcohol. The program is very effective in detecting contraband items on campus. A canine team goes to selected schools throughout the year to randomly inspect student lockers and vehicles for drugs and alcohol. This service can also be requested based on school needs.
Safe2Tell Confidential Reporting Program: This program provides a confidential reporting mechanism for students who observe criminal activity or who are concerned about someone who might harm themselves or others. Security coordinates the program with the Department of Public Safety.
Radios: Security provides two-way radios to all school buildings for communication within the buildings and with the Security office. Call Security if you have problems with your radios.
Security surveillance cameras: Security cameras are at all District facilities and have been instrumental in resolving numerous incidents.
Building Alarms: Security manages and assigns building alarm codes; facilities maintain and repair these systems. Security responds to all alarm activations.
Restraint & Use of Force: See Policy JKA and regulation JKA-R.