Just the Facts
Many parents and students want to know about security in District 11. Here are a few of the programs we have in place to help ensure a safe learning environment. The security department is managed centrally, but building principals have on-site supervision authority. If you have comments or questions, please call the Security Department at 520-2287 or call your school principal.
Security Staff:
There are 4-7 campus security officers at each high school and 1-2 campus security officers at each middle school. These staff help principals enforce the student conduct and discipline code, monitor the campus for unwanted visitors and signs of danger or criminal activity. All campus security officers receive 40 hours of training in crisis prevention, first aid, CPR, school law and juvenile law before being placed.
Ten uniformed security staff are police academy trained or equivalent, and carry firearms. These officers patrol district grounds and buildings, respond to burglar alarms, enforce district policies on campus and generally engage in the protection of lives and property at District 11 facilities. These officers also respond to trouble or other calls for service at elementary schools and, if needed, at middle and high schools. These officers are not sworn police officers.
Along with the Commander of Security Operations, 2 Security Coordinators, 1 Investigator, 1 Security Specialist and 1 Dispatcher/Admin Assistant; the department provides professional level assistance to buildings for security and crime problems. These staff members monitor gang and hate group trends, provide specialized gang intervention and conduct investigations of students charged with crimes of violence and weapons violations in cooperation with the police and District Attorney. These staff members are charged with monitoring crime trends and devising crime prevention programs.
The security department is housed at the main administration complex. Security headquarters contains offices for the manager of security operations, security coordinators, security investigator and support staff, as well as central alarm monitoring equipment, video monitoring equipment, and training facilities for security staff.
Approximately $2.5 million (less than 1% of the general fund budget). This figure does not include vehicle maintenance, alarm installation and maintenance personnel, or burglar and fire alarm equipment, which is budgeted elsewhere.
School Resource Officers are stationed in four high schools, one alternative school, and middle schools five days per week. The SROs also provide assistance to elementary schools on an as-needed basis. These officers perform community-policing functions in cooperation with school security and administration staff.
Other programs:
Training on the early warning signs and crisis planning has been ongoing since the fall of 1998. Training is not completed for all buildings, but basic information has been sent out to all buildings. A revised District Crisis Plan Manual was delivered to all buildings in late 1997.
The canine detection program for detecting guns, drugs, and alcohol is in full operation. The program is very effective in detecting contraband items on campus. A canine team goes to randomly selected schools throughout the year to inspect student lockers and vehicles for drugs, alcohol and guns.
All D11 schools and facilities have security cameras. Several incidents have been resolved using these tools.
Post-trauma assistance is available either through existing building staff, special district teams, by referral to other agencies and Safe 2 Tell.