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Robotics Available for Checkout

Instructional Technology and Library Services is excited to provide a variety of robotics, coding resources and Breakout Boxes for classroom checkout.  These items check out for 3 weeks.  Plan ahead and reserve them in advance by emailing Mary Beth Blake ( or Sandy Radzienda (

Click below for additional information and teaching resources.


Dash Robot


Dash Robots and Accessories


Dash Launcher



Dash Xylophone



Sphero SPRK


Sphero Robotic Balls and Accessories


Sphero Bolt



Sphero Terrain Park



CUE Robot


 CUE Robots


Little Bits Code Kit


  Little Bits Code Kits


Breakout EDU Box


Breakout EDU Boxes 


Code & Go Mouse


Code & Go Robot Mouse Activity Sets 


Osmo Kits


Osmo Coding Kits 


Edison V2.0


Edison V2.0 Robots

