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Duo (two-factor authentication) implementation

Frequently Asked Questions

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Is Duo required?

Yes, Duo is required for all D11 employees. Until Duo enrollment is complete, you will not be able to access any D11 system off-site.

Will I be prompted to authenticate via Duo when I am working in a district building/on the district network?

Duo allows for Adaptive Authentication, meaning when you are logging into most applications on the district network, you will not be prompted for 2FA, two-factor authentication. Until you are enrolled, you may see a Duo authentication screen flash but it will likely not prompt you to authenticate when a a district building. 

What technology systems currently require authentication?

Microsoft Office and Google Suite are protected. This includes email, Teams, OneDrive, SharePoint and many productivity tools. D11 VPN users are also Duo protected. Additional systems will become Duo protected. Any additional systems will include communication. 

How often / from where will I be prompted to provide two-factor authentication?

When users are on-site and using the District 11 network, you should not be prompted for two-factor authentication. When users are off the District 11 network, you will be prompted every time you log in unless you have chosen to "Trust this Browser." You will be prompted every 30 days per device/browser.

trust this browser

What if I don't want to install the Duo Mobile app on my smartphone? What if I don't have a device that is compatible with Duo Mobile?

The Duo Mobile app provides the most user-friendly experience and is strongly recommended as the best option for 2FA. If you are unable to use the Duo Mobile compatible device like a smartphone or tablet, please use the survey link from the email notification. 

Can I install Duo Mobile on multiple devices?

Yes, you are encouraged to install Duo Mobile on more than one device for ease of use. 

After I installed the Duo Mobile application and went through the enrollment process, my phone shows me a six-digit number. Do I need to do anything with this passcode?

After you install the app and enroll your phone, your app will show you a six digit passcode. This passcode is not needed for anything right now. The passcodes change periodically, and can be used as a 2FA method whenever you see the option to "Use a Passcode". These passcodes are unique to your account and cannot be used by anyone else. Once you see the passcode, you can close the app and continue enrolling on your PC. 

What happens if I lose my device with Duo installed on it?

Contact District 11 Support Center at 719-520-2211.

What happens when I get a new device?

Contact District 11 Support Center at 719-520-2211.

Does installing Duo on my personal device allow the district to review the content on my device?

  • Permission is needed to "Send Push Notifications", allowing Duo to send you a login request to approve or deny or to alert you to a security issue we detect on your phone. You can deny this permission and if chosen, you will have to manually open Duo Mobile to approve or deny a login request each time you are prompted. 
  • Camera Access for Duo Mobile uses your camera to scan QR codes to quickly add two-factor authentication accounts. You can deny this permission and without this access you will need to type the alphanumerica "2FA secret" key to get this account working. Duo Mobile will not access your photos and will only use your camera when scanning a QR code. 

Does using Duo Mobile on my device make my personal device subject to public records request under CORA?

No, because no public records relevant data is submitted through Duo, using Duo on a personal device will not make that device subject to a public records request. Duo does not send personal data, only an Accept or Deny request. 

I am a supervisor with an employee who doesn't have a compatible Duo Mobile device. What do I do?

Ask the employee to fill out the survey from the preparation email sent to all D11 staff. 

Can I opt out of using Duo?

Duo enrollment is required for all employees accessing District 11 technology systems off-site. 

I already use Duo with other organizations and systems. Could I set up Duo for all groups?

Yes, you are able to add multiple accounts to the Duo app as well as personal systems that support two-factor authentication. 

I am in a location without reliable cell/wifi service. How can I authenticate using Duo?

Generate a passcode in the Duo Mobile app by tapping the key icon. The passcode will appear underneath. Then log into the application using the passcode on your Duo authentication. 

What do I do if I get a notification from Duo that DIDN'T come from me?

Click the Deny option in the Duo app. Contact the District 11 Support Center immediately at 719-520-2211. 

What devices are supported by Duo Mobile?

  • iOS (iPhone and iPad) running the latest iOS
  • Apple watch
  • Android running the current OS