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Sick Leave Bank

Employee Sick Leave Bank

As of 7/1/2019, Sick Leave Bank only applies to teachers. If this benefit changes in the future for teachers, further information will be communicated at a later date.

Mission Statement 


The mission of the Sick Leave Bank is to grant employees  additional paid leave time due to their own critical personal illness/injury or the critical illness/injury or death of an immediate family member.  Immediate family is defined as spouse, child, brother, sister, parent or member of the immediate household where the employee lives. 
Sick Leave Bank Committee Membership 
The Sick Leave Bank is made up of six representatives that include two teachers, two ESP representatives, and two Executive Professional employees.  

How The Sick Leave Bank Gets Its Hours 
The Sick Leave Bank receives its hours from donations by newly hired employees, from employees who wish to join during open enrollment each year, or when the number of days in the Sick Leave Bank falls below certain pre-set limits at which time employees are asked to re-enroll and make donations.  Once an employee donates to the bank, they do not have to donate again each year, except as noted elsewhere in these guidelines. Once an employee donates hours to the Sick Leave Bank, those hours may not be returned to the employee. An employee must exhaust all other paid/sick leave benefits with the District before requesting days from the Sick Leave Bank. 
Sick Leave Bank Applications 
The committee meets the first Thursday of each month (September thru May) to consider requests submitted for consideration.  In the event a meeting is cancelled due to a District closure, not enough Committee members present, or other unforeseen reason, it will be rescheduled to the following Thursday. Applications for the Sick Leave Bank are available in the Human Resources Department or on the Human Resources Department website. Requests must be received in Human Resources no later than 10 business days preceding the meeting of the Sick Leave Bank Committee.  Incomplete applications or applications lacking supporting documentation will not be considered by the committee until such time as they are complete. 

  • Sick Leave Bank Rules
    The Sick Leave Bank will not consider applications from employees during their first 45 (forty-five) workdays.
    The Sick Leave Bank may grant up to a maximum of 30 (thirty) days of paid leave time per year per illness to a member.
    The Sick Leave Bank may grant all, some or none of the hours requested depending upon the merits of the request.In making its determination of the validity of a member employee’s request, the committee shall review information presented by the member employee and may consider information available from any other source (including the member’s supervisor) or may request additional information or verification from a member employee, and shall give consideration to the following factors:  (a) the member’s past conservation and fair use of leave policies; (b) the seriousness of past and current illnesses and injuries; and (c) any unusual circumstances involved 
  • Decisions made by the Sick Leave Bank may be appealed to the Superintendent or his/her designee within five (5) business days following the Sick Leave Bank decision.  Appeals received after the five (5) business days deadline will not be considered.
  • Critical illnesses/injuries include, but are not limited to:  Inpatient hospitalization; life threatening illnesses; chemotherapy/radiation treatments; total hip and knee replacement; open heart surgery; extreme psychological distress; and terminal illness.
  • The Sick Leave Bank Committee, at its discretion, may approve 3 (three) to 5 (five) days of paid leave to an employee when the request is due to the death of an immediate family member (as defined above).
  • The Sick Leave Bank will not consider worker’s compensation, and other illness covered by disability insurance; also the Sick Leave Bank will not consider elective surgery (elective surgery is defined as surgery that is scheduled in advance because it does not involve a medical emergency); common colds, the flu, cosmetic procedures, sprains, strains or tears, follow-up doctor appointments or other common conditions, except in cases where critical complications occur.
  • Employees granted fifteen (15) or more days from the Sick Leave Bank must return to the Sick Leave Bank one (1) day of their own sick leave from their next year’s accrual.
  • The following sources may also contain information regarding the Sick Leave Bank; (i) Board policies and regulations; (ii) Master Agreement.  To the extent these Sick Leave Bank Guidelines are inconsistent with the sources listed in items (i)-(iv) above, the provision of items (i)-(ii) (whichever are applicable to the employee) shall govern.

In order to be considered for a Sick Leave Bank Request you need to click on the link below and complete both the Sick Leave Bank Request and the Medical Documentation Authorization forms.  Return those forms and all required medical documentation to the Human Resources Office.
Sick Leave Application Packet
As of 7/1/2019, any teacher who earns sick leave is eligible to participate. Participation is on a voluntary basis, with the employee contributing one (1) day of sick leave to the bank. New personnel may join during the first thirty (30) days of their employment but may not utilize this benefit until they have completed 45 working days. Employees not participating in previous years may enroll in the bank through the month of September of any succeeding year.