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Energy Tips & Tricks

No matter what the season, energy usage tends to increase one way or another. With long-running air conditioning and high heating usage, we simply cannot operate without electricity.

We can be extremely energy efficient and follow energy-saving tips and tricks to ingrain some environmentally friendly habits.

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Tips & Tricks
  • Huge amounts of energy are wasted because no one really cares about switching off the fans and lights when not required. Hence, planning workshops on energy conservation to educate students can generate huge results.
  • Schools have many areas where lighting is not required at all times. Installing sensor-based lighting in such areas can generate massive rewards. This is one of the easiest ways to save energy at school.
  • Most student sessions and classes happen during the daytime. By avoiding artificial lighting on sunny days, schools can save electricity. This is how tens of thousands of schools are already saving electricity!
  • Unplug overhead projectors, computers, and smartboards when not in use. This simple way to conserve energy can help save a large amount of power and money in the long run.
  • Heating and cooling classrooms is expensive. Taking small steps to check waste can go a long way in power savings. For instance, keep classroom doors closed to maintain the temperature.
  • Involve the whole school community in the task of energy conservation. This is how the best schools save electricity and reduce their power bills.
  • Create student patrols and committees to make sure that energy conservation guidelines are implemented.
  • Recognize the energy-saving efforts of staff and teachers to encourage others to join in the initiative.
  • Hold power conservation and awareness events from time to time to keep the school community engaged.