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Energy & Sustainability

Energy & Sustainability is responsible for managing utility use and for promoting Social, Economic and Environmental Sustainability for the district.  Initiatives include energy use reduction projects and programs, water conservation efforts, and waste diversion improvement and education.

 We're taking steps to "go green." That means our schools and district departments are working to be wise stewards of our resources. Learn how we are becoming a more sustainable district--and how you can do your part.

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Test Your Energy IQ


Electronics Recycling

Electronics Recycling: Be A Part of the E-Waste Solution 

Green Apple Day of Service



Join an international movement of nearly a million volunteers in 80 countries to celebrate schools' central role in preparing the next generation of global leaders in sustainability. Click HERE.



PepsiCo Recycling

Get your students pumped up to recycle by joining PepsiCo’s Recycle Rally.

When you set recycling goals to increase recycling and track progress, everyone wins! It’s free, it’s easy and it comes with loads of perks including:

  • Awesome prizes like T-shirts, gift cards and more!
  • Access to free lessons and activities to teach kids about recycling.
  • Free printable posters and certificates to reward your top recyclers.
  • A web portal where you can easily track your school’s recycling progress.
  • Fun challenges and the chance to win big cash prizes!

Questions about how it works? Visit Recycle Rally.


2021 Resolutions

Here’s a list of sustainable new year resolutions that don’t require you to go on a diet!

  1. Be kind to each other. Life is short.
  2. Recycle more!
  3. Carry a reusable shopping bag
  4. Donate used clothing and goods
  5. Pack no waste lunches to save money and reduce waste
  6. Turn off the lights and projectors in classrooms when you leave!
  7. Use less water
  8. Volunteer for or start a school Green Team
  9. Participate in your schools Earth Day 2022 activities
  10. Print less paper




Kahoot runs students through a series of questions revolving around waste, energy and water conservation, and sustainable living.

US Green Building Council


The U.S. Green Building Council is dedicated to transforming how buildings and communities are designed, built, and operated in order to enable environmentally and socially responsible, healthy, and prosperous environments that improve the quality of life for all.

Compost Lesson grades 6-12

Students will explore different ways to compost food scraps by researching and/or experimenting with different types of compost systems.

Clean Hands Make Life Better

Life is Better with Clean Hands

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched the Life is Better with Clean Hands campaign dedicated to make clean hands and handwashing an intrinsic part of our daily lives. Check out some of the resources from the CDC:


Outdoor Classroom Day

Outdoor Classroom Day is a global campaign to celebrate and inspire outdoor learning and play. On the day, thousands of schools around the world take lessons outdoors and prioritise playtime. In 2018, over 3.5 million children in over 100 countries took part. 

Outdoor learning improves children’s healthengages them with learning and leads to a greater connection with nature. Play not only teaches critical life skills such as resilienceteamwork and creativity, but is central to children’s enjoyment of childhood.