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Bristol Elementary School

Heading that says Bristol Elementary School with the Bristol Bear Logo

Bristol is a high-achieving school that is STEAM focused with a strong arts emphasis in instrumental music. All students from kindergarten through 3rd grade attend violin class every other day, and then in 4th and 5th grade, they can join the orchestra, band, or a creative arts class. We are a small school that leverages strong relationships to fulfill our purpose of educating our students.

As The STEAM school in District 11, Bristol Elementary’s purpose is to grow strong, confident learners by using problem-solving and creative processes to develop deeper understanding and connections in all content areas.

photo of 5 students standing in a row smiling at the camera
Distinction Ribbon

Why Choose Bristol?

• (S.T.E.A.M.) Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math focus

• Free Suzuki Violin classes for grades K-3 as part of the weekly schedule

• 4th and 5th-grade students can choose to be in band, orchestra, or creative arts

• Weekly art instruction in visual arts: painting, drawing, printmaking, ceramics, and pottery

• Vocal Music with programs created by students 

• We are a friendly staff of "warm demanders" that help students to perform while providing a nurturing environment

• A small school that builds strong relationships with students and families

• We offer many different school clubs: sports, science, arts, Kids on Bikes, geography,  Early Scholars, and robotics

• Character education through Random Acts of Kindness 

• A top-ranked school with a state School Performance Framework of 94 out of 100

• Around 60% of our student population choice into our school

Suzuki Violin

Kindergarten through third grade students receive Suzuki Violin instruction 2-3 times a week. Learning through the Suzuki method has research to back it's influence on many educational, social, and emotional pathways.

Photo of Bristol band students

Academic Programs

  • Band
  • Choir
  • Orchestra
  • Physical Education (PE)
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Suzuki Violin
  • STEM

Clubs & Activities

  • Basketball
  • Bike Club
  • Dance
  • Gymnastics
  • Robotics
  • Running Club
  • Track and Field


  • Breakfast
  • Lunch
  • ELL Services
  • Gifted and Talented Services
  • Special Education Services
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