Martinez Elementary School
Martinez Elementary provides high quality instruction to all students, pre-k through fifth grade, with differentiation, personalized learning, and project-based learning opportunities in the regular classroom, as well as in our gifted and talented program, with our special education team, and for our English Language Learners (ELL). We have a Teaching Learning Coach providing additional services to our students. At Martinez, we implement the Leader in Me program, based on Stephen Covey’s book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, which gives students opportunities to demonstrate leadership skills on a daily basis. Martinez has earned the status of a Leader in Me Lighthouse School.
Martinez is excited to announce that we will soon be a part of the A+ Schools Network. Colorado Springs School District 11 will be home to the first A+ Schools in the state of Colorado!
A+ Essentials
- Arts
- Curriculum
- Multiple Learning Pathways
- Experiential Learning
- Enriched Assessment
- Collaboration
- Infrastructure
- Climate
Academic Programs
- Band
- Choir
- Fine Arts
- Orchestra
- Personalized Learning
- Physical Education (PE)
- Technology
Clubs & Activities
- Battle of the Books
- Lunch
- ELL Services
- Gifted and Talented Services
- Special Education Services