Twain Elementary School
At Mark Twain Elementary, our mission is to provide consistent, high quality, and rigorous instruction through the development of respectful relationships with our staff, students, and community, to establish a culture of lifelong learning. Twain students will obtain the life skill to be independent learners and problem-solvers who meet high expectations now and in the future. We are a Capturing Kids’ Hearts School focused on strengthening student connectedness to others by enhancing healthy bonds with teachers.To ensure all student needs are met, we have WIN (Whatever I need) Classes for students in reading and math,to assist with further grow in both those areas. We also are home to a free before-and after-school enrichment program, which begins before school at 6 a.m. and ends after school and 6 p.m.
Academic Programs
- Band
- Choir
- Fine Arts
- Orchestra
- Physical Education (PE)
Clubs & Activities
- Basketball
- Chess Club
- Running Club
- Track and Field
- Before-School Programs
- Breakfast
- Lunch
- After-School Programs
- ELL Services
- Gifted and Talented Services
- Special Education Services
- Tutoring