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Records and Transcripts


The Archives and Records Management Center is responsible for providing service and support to students, parents, schools, the public, and the administration with historical archives, student records, transcripts, school board policy, and freedom of information requests.  The Records Management office is responsible for processing, storing, retention, disclosure, and destruction of all inactive administrative records. The department also handles the processing, storing, and destruction of all inactive student records, including permanent records such as transcripts. We respond to requests from school districts, parents, law enforcement agencies, State and Federal government agencies, and high education agencies.     As District 11's Custodian of Records, we maintain all historical documents of the district, including but not limited to Board of Education minutes, resolutions, administrative reports, district directories, photographs, and school historical libraries.  We work collaboratively with the Board of Education and District departments to facilitate the research, development, revision, dispersement of, and compliance of Board of Education policies and regulations.  To ensure transparency, the office responds to all freedom of information and open records laws.

If a student requiring special education services withdrew or graduated from the District five years ago, associated special education records are under evaluation for destruction. If you, as the former student with a disability or the parent of a student with a disability, would like to request access to and/or copies of your records or your child’s records prior to destruction, please contact the Colorado Springs School District 11 Records Management Center at 719-520-2079. If we do not hear from you, those special education records may be permanently destroyed pursuant to the school district’s records retention policy.   


8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Monday - Friday)  
Office Email:
Information Line: (719) 520-2079
Office Fax: (719) 520-2423    
870 Babcock Road, Colorado Springs, CO 80915