Proposal Writing/Technical Assistance
The Grants Department supports grant writers to ensure that grant proposals submitted by District 11 are well-written and complete, with information that is compelling to the funding source. For larger projects and those that impact multiple District 11 departments or school sites, the Grants Department facilitates a grant team to write the proposals. The department also provides technical assistance to schools and departments including: advising writers as to how to research funding sources, communicating with funding sources to improve chances of getting funded, reviewing proposals for clarity, helping to organize proposals, ensuring potential grant impacts are fully vetted, obtaining authorized signatures, helping with budget planning and organization, and developing evaluation designs in conjunction with the Education Data Support Services Department and/or outside evaluators.
Per Board of Education policy DD, all grant-seeking activities over $10,000 must be reviewed by the Director of Grants or his/her designee. All government-funded grants and/or grants that include salaries, benefits, technology, construction or new curriculum must be reviewed by the Director of Grants even if the grants are for $10,000 or less. The review process is managed by the Director of Grants. (Please see Exhibits DD-E-1 and DD-E-2.)
Communications and Collaboration
The Grants Department serves as a communication link within District 11 and among partners working on grant proposals. Communication is also necessary to inform the superintendent and other District 11 leadership about large proposals and their implications for the district and to coordinate appropriate channels of approval. The Grants Department facilitates partnerships with other community agencies, acting as a link within District 11 and among partners. Communication and collaboration increase possibilities for partnerships and guard against unnecessary duplication.
Grant Opportunity Identification and Dissemination
As time permits, the Grants Department conducts ongoing research on grant opportunities (federal, state, local and foundation) that meet the needs of District 11's strategic priorities. Staff members are informed about new grants that become available, usually by email notification or through departmental and school leadership.
Grant Funds Management
In D11, Grant Project Directors (PDs) are responsible for all aspects of their grant-funded projects and are expected to coordinate closely with the Grants Department. The Grants Dept. trains PDs and others regarding grant terms and conditions as well as relevant District 11 processes. Additionally, the department provides fund management services for all grants over $10,000, and for any grant involving personnel, technology, construction / facilities modification, and / or “matching” requirements. Our staff members are skilled in the areas of grant compliance and budget management, and will help to ensure that your grant dollars flow smoothly through your program. We also support programmatic compliance, monitoring project implementation and spend-down progress.