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LEA Use of Funds Plan - ESSER III

ESSER III funds were allocated using community input collected through the following ways:

  • Academic Master Plan (AMP) – A series of community meetings were conducted to inform the AMP. All non-facilities projects were based upon feedback received and priorities developed throughout the AMP development process.
  • Facilities Master Plan (FMP) – The FMP was developed during a year-long process that included over 75 public meetings with over 1,500 community members. The $1.3 billion Plan  was approved by the Board of Education in March 2021 to address $700 million in deferred maintenance and to provide guidance on capital investment priorities across the District. These investments include school consolidation, renovations, and necessary infrastructure repairs. The decision to use ESSER funds to replace HVAC systems at Mitchell and Palmer High Schools is driven by the age and condition of the current systems, the number of students that will benefit, and the fact that current funding within the District is inadequate to take on such large projects. This falls under the “repairing and improving school facilities to reduce risk of virus transmission and exposure to environmental health hazards” use as per the Colorado Department of Education. A feasibility study is underway to fully scope and cost out then repairs for the 279,287 SF Palmer HS campus that was originally constructed in 1939. Palmer High School HVAC Feasibility Study.
  • A series of community meetings were conducted to inform the community about the FMP. Community feedback, facilities condition reports, best practices in construction/facilities, and other documentation informed the FMP development process. The selection of Mitchell and Palmer  HVAC projects were informed by the FMP.
  • Board Work session – September 1, 2021 D11’s School Board was provided information on the projects and cost of each. At that time, they were allowed to ask questions and make suggestions.
  • DAC budget committee – September 14, 2021. Due to feedback from this meeting, additional projects were added to the ESSER 2/3 revision, in particular projects from Personnel Support Services that included both retention and hiring incentives. Additionally, facilities provided more specific information on the reason for selection and costs for Mitchell.
  • A Community Input Survey was sent out in October 2021 to collect feedback from students, parents, the community, and D11 staff. The survey expired on October 29, 2021.

    Slide Show – LEA Use of Funds Plan - ESSER 3

Updates- July 2024

  • Fall 2022, Palmer HVAC was removed which left $14.7M to be reallocated.  Post Award revisions are undertaken only after careful review by stakeholders.   There was a Fund Balance Task Force that included community members, DAC budget committee, District Staff, Superintendent, and approval by the Board of Education.  The committee reviewed proposals submitted by District Leaders to identify uses of funds that supported district needs and aligned with ESSER priorities and spending guidelines. 
  • Winter 2023-2024 – Middle school restroom renovations were re-prioritized based on school surveys, and public input.  This was discussed by Board of Education members, in public meetings, related to needed capital improvement.