Panorama Survey
D11 Panorama Survey
Fall Administration: September 16, 2024 to October 4, 2024
What: A survey instrument that elevates student voice on teaching and learning, relationships, and belonging.
Scope: This 20-30 minute electronic survey will be administered with grades 3-12 and with their designated teacher in grades K-12.
*The student survey is available in multiple languages. Students with disabilities should be provided with necessary accommodations, such as having the survey read aloud or given extra time as needed. Any accommodations made for a student must protect the confidentiality of the student’s responses.
Purpose: As we implement more health and wellness supports voted on in the 2017 Mill Levy Override, we are in need of a more comprehensive instrument to measure social and emotional competencies in order to improve academic outcomes, identify strengths, and best support students.
How survey data will be used: Schools use this data to identify school-wide needs in developing their One Plan for school improvement. The survey measures competencies that impact academic achievement, behavior, and attendance. The data from this survey provides fall to spring and year to year growth comparisons.
Appreciation: We thank you in advance and are looking forward to using the results to guide our improvement efforts!
For school-specific questions, please contact your child's school. For general information and clarification, please contact the Student Engagement Department at 719-520-2998.
Opt Out Form in English and Español