MTSS in a Virtual Setting
MTSS in a Virtual Setting - Guidance Document
As we continue a hybrid approach to in-person and remote learning, this document was developed to provide guidance to school teams in order to support your continued work with MTSS. We encourage teams of educators working collaboratively within the virtual setting, including the parents and students, to continue to engage in systematic planning and problem-solving to ensure that student success is achieved and maintained. This systematic team process can occur effectively via web-based meetings using platforms such as WebEx, Skype, Zoom, etc. The problem-solving process is critical to making the instructional adjustments needed for continual improvement in student level of performance and is critical for assessing (through students’ responses) the effectiveness of the instruction/interventions provided. Throughout the continuum of instruction and intervention, problem-solving should be used to match instructional resources to educational need.
MTSS helps to ensure that students learning in a virtual environment have access to additional supports and individualized interventions, as needed. The multi-tiered system is characterized by a continuum of academic, social, emotional, and behavioral supports reflecting the need for students to have fluid access to instruction of varying intensity levels. While the nature of delivering these supports may look different in a virtual setting, a continuum of interventions should be used by virtual school educators to meet the needs of all their students and increase the effectiveness of virtual instruction and supports.
Although not an all-inclusive list, here are several best practices for addressing intervention needs for students and examples of appropriate accommodations in a virtual setting:
- Student Success Team meetings where needs are examined, plans are developed, and plans are monitored
- Differentiated instruction
- Increased levels of feedback to the student
- Targeted online real-time sessions
- Increased assessment measures and progress monitoring
- Increased communication between the teacher and parent
- Use of online tools to support specific learning needs
- Support for the use of assistive technologies such as screen readers
- Extended hours in the week to complete work
- Chunking work through flexible time parameters
- Small group and individual online coaching sessions
- Supplemental instruction to address areas of weakness and/or areas of extension
- Additional practice materials
- Support with organization of materials
- Time management support
If questions arise or you would like to discuss this guidance further, please let us know. We are available to support you!
Jennifer Schulte, Ph.D. MTSS Facilitator
(719) 310-6955
Sonia Urban, LCSW
MTSS Facilitator
(719) 520-2214