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Parent Family & Student Engagement and Communication

District 11 GT understands that regular involvement, communication, and partnerships between the school, students, and families are key to a positive and successful educational experience. A Gifted Resource Teacher (GRT) is on staff at every Elementary, Middle, High, Charter, and Alternative school in the district and can be used as a personal source of information at each school site.

Families are always welcome to inquire about a student’s progress and/or programming and are encouraged to attend Parent/Teacher conferences. They are also encouraged to volunteer in classrooms, schools, and/or serve on school and District committees. Parent/Guardian and student involvement are required in the Gifted Review process, and creating and monitoring ALP goals.

Gifted and Talented Student and Family Guide

Methods of Communication

Methods of personal and/or organizational communication may include face-to-face, phone, written, print, electronic, electronic, social, and printed media, posters, brochures, etc. Your child also is a main source of information. Please be actively involved and communicate with your child’s GRT about which method of communication is most effective in your situation. – District 11 Home Page – Individual schools can be accessed from this site.  – D11 Gifted & Talented Home Page


District 11 and each school provides many opportunities for students to be involved before, during, and after school. Students who have new, creative, and innovative ideas of engagement should share their idea, purpose, and plan of implementation with school staff.

The Gifted & Talented Advisory Committee (GTAC) seeks volunteers each fall that represent our gifted population across the district, across grade levels, and within the community.

Many activities for gifted students and parents occur regularly throughout the city, region, and state. You may want to monitor activities sponsored and/or promoted by organizations such as:

Translations and/or Interpreters

Any family needing translations and/or interpreters should contact the child’s teacher, school personnel, or the Gifted & Talented office so appropriate accommodations can be arranged.