Gifted Magnet Program (GMP)
Rise to the challenge; find where you belong.
The District 11 Gifted Magnet Program fosters academic talent and provides social-emotional support in an immersive program housed at two elementary and two middle schools throughout the district. Tier 3 Identified Gifted Students, Talent Pool, and High Ability students Grades 3rd - 8th may apply.
GMP Application Process
Timeline and Checklist Guide for Applying to the Gifted Magnet Program
Gifted Magnet Program Application
Applications open December 1 for Grades 4-8 apply by January 15th
Applications open March 1 for Rising Grade 3 apply by April 15th
Middle School GMP Applications received after February 15 will be reviewed on a space available basis.
Elementary GMP Applications received after April 22 will be reviewed on a space-available basis
Lista de comprobación y calendario para solicitar el ingreso en el Programa Magnet para Superdotados
Family Resources and Events
GMP Middle School Information Meetings:
December 3 at Holmes Middle School 6:00-7:00pm
December 5 at Sabin Middle School 6:00-7:00pm
Please contact Becky Marsh ( at Sabin and Tanya Ehlinger ( at Holmes if you are interested in setting up a Middle School GMP shadow experience.
GMP Elementary School Information Meetings:
Please stay tuned for information mid-spring
Please contact Beth Graber ( if you are interested in setting up a shadow experience.