Instructional Programs
Elementary Resources
Carolina Building Blocks of Science provides rigorous, standards aligned resources with three units of study at each grade level. The resources include hands-on kits for every teacher with supplies for a full classroom of students, online supplementary resources, and student readers.
Middle School Resources
HMH Science Dimensions Middle School provides teachers and students with hands-on kits, digital resources, and print textbooks for twelve units of study. The resources include reading and mathematics connections while providing students with a variety of learning experiences including investigations, simulations, and projects.
Explore Learning Gizmos provides teachers and students with a library of simulations and STEM cases aligned to standards which enable the exploration of natural phenomena in a virtual platform.
High School Resources
Explore Learning Gizmos provides teachers and students with a library of simulations and STEM cases aligned to standards which enable the exploration of natural phenomena in a virtual platform.
HMH Science Dimensions Biology provides a comprehensive resource for high school biology that meets grade level, honors, Pre-AP, and International Baccalaureate course requirements.