Parents & Community
Parent & Community Partnerships
We value students' home languages and cultures. We understand that the language of the home is a fundamental learning tool for all students and we support and encourage native language use at home. Further, we value participation by parents in their child's school.
Translation and Interpreter Services: The district offers translation and interpreter services to our parents who speak a language other than English. Interpretation support for parent meetings can be scheduled through the Equal Opportunity Programs and Ombudservices department.
Translation & Interpreter SErvices
Colorin Colorado: Colorín Colorado is a free web-based service that provides information, activities and advice for educators and Spanish-speaking families of English language learners (ELLs).
Colorín Colorado es un servicio gratuito, basado en Internet, que ofrece información, actividades y asesoría a educadores y familias de estudiantes del idioma inglés como segundo idioma, en particular aquellos que hablan español castellano.