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Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education

The Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) Office supports students who are learning English as a second language.  Our English Language Development (ELD) program supports culturally and linguistically diverse students so that they can participate equally and meaningfully in the classroom. Our ELD program provides rigorous instruction for English language learners to develop their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in order for them to achieve grade-level proficiency and become successful in post-secondary and workforce environments. Colorado Springs School District 11 is committed to supporting our culturally and linguistically diverse students and their families. We currently serve students and parents who speak 52 languages other than English. 

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Infographic explaining more about CLDE.

Contact Us

Headshot of CLDE Facilitator- Nicole Girardin

Nicole Girardin
Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Education (CLDE) Facilitator
(719) 520-2145  

Headshot of CLDE Specialist- Mary Blodgett

Mary Blodgett
CLDE Elementary Specialist
(719) 520-2417

Headshot of CLDE Specialist- Chris Hawkinson

Chris Hawkinson
CLDE Secondary Specialist
(719) 520-2466

Headshot of CLDE Admin Assistant- Calli Johnson

Calli Johnson
Administrative Assistant
(719) 520-2464